Part B – Question 6
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Part B – Question 6
  1. You are to create a headline about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)

1st Years, Expand Your Digital Knowledge - 3 Digital Classes to Look Forward to Next Year!

I created this headline that calls exactly to the 1st year students in the program by calling them out first thing. This way I can get their attention and make them want to continue reading the headline and the article as well. Next, I am calling right to them by using “Your” in the headline to make it seem like we are speaking directly to them and the reader will be able to relate more. The headline is telling them to, and that they will be expanding their digital knowledge more from what they learned in first year. I included a number in the headline so that readers know what to expect, and that there will be some kind of listed elements within the article that share the three different digital classes. People read numbers better than words in headlines as they express a form of certainty. The number three is an odd number, which helps because it is more specific, and people are able to digest odd numbers more easily. I also wanted the headline to evoke a positive emotion from the reader, which is why I included the saying “Look Forward” because it will get them thinking about the future, what their classes will be like next year. This headline was designed to call out to the target audience of first-year students, which is why they are mentioned in the beginning. I also wanted to make it clear enough for them to understand that this article is going to be about the second-year classes, which is also why I wanted to add next year at the end of the headline.  

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