Part B – Question 5
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Part B – Question 5
  1. Create a headline for an article about the SCC Advertising Program targeted to local graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please provide the following:
  1. Provide the headline

Attention Windsor/Essex High School Graduates – Improve Your Future with St Clair’s Advertising Program For a 90% Employment Rate

b. Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task.

The elements missing would be the general context behind what exactly is going to be talked about in the article. I don’t know what platform the headline is being created for. I am not sure if there is a call-to-action present. I am unaware of the emotion wanting to be evoked and what readers should feel when they read the headline to match that same feeling with the article.

c. Explain the headline you created, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

The headline I created, I wanted to call directly to my audience and get their attention in the best ways.

In my headline I started with the word “Attention” to immediately call for attention and get the reader to listen to what the headline is saying. When someone says attention, everyone usually turns and looks at what is being called to, so that’s exactly what I am trying to do by adding this word at the beginning of my headline, because I want people to continue reading. Next, I call out the target audience I am targeting: local high school graduates. I specifically put Windsor/Essex high school graduates because I want those specific readers to see the headline and know that this article is directly talking to them. Calling to them will catch their attention even more and make them want to continue to read to see what the program is about. I included a good verb “improve” so readers will know there is a positive impact coming from this article and it will help them in the future. Another thing I wanted to add to my headline to engage the readers even more was the employment stat our program is known for. As talked about before, many readers like seeing numbers in headlines as it's another attention grabber. People often believe the stats they read as they can usually assume there is proof behind that information, which they will be able to find it throughout the article. Having a stat that involves their future is even more beneficial because every student wants to know if the program they take will get them a job in the future.

Everything in the headline I have created is to get the attention of my readers in the easiest ways. The headline is simple and states exactly what my target audience is, the school program being talked about in the article, and how the program will give students the very high chance at success in their career. When students see this, they will want to read and find out more regarding the advertising program and how it will benefit their overall future.

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